Nordberg Plastic Surgery

Brachioplasty Can Help You Be Proud to Show Off Your Arms

Brachioplasty involved the removal of excess fat and skin of the upper arm. Hanging tissue of the arms, often called the "Bat Wing Deformity ", typically occurs as a result of repeated weight gain and loss, aging, or large volume weight loss. This leads to sagging, stretched out skin that can no longer hold the underlying fat close to the muscle and bone of the arm. Wearing certain clothing can be difficult or embarassing for some people.

illustration of arm lift results

Dr. Nordberg evaluates each patient very carefully to determine the appropriate procedure for their arms. Some patients require only liposuction of the fat of the back surface of the arm. This is done through a small incision around the elbow and has a quick recovery. If the skin is of poor quality, however, a brachioplasty is needed to tighten the tissues of the arm. 

A mini-brachioplasty can sometimes be performed where the incision is concealed in the arm-pit area.

illustration of brachioplasty results

Significant hanging skin usually requires a full brachioplasty in which an elliptical piece of skin and fat is removed from the back of the arm, placing the scar toward the chest wall so it will be concealed. Once the excess tissue is removed, Dr. Nordberg achieves a more youthful contour to the arm re-establishing natural lines and anatomy. 

illustration or arm lift techniques

A drain is usually placed under the skin and is then removed about one to two days after surgery. A vest-type garment is worn for three weeks. The surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, so you may go home after the procedure from Dr. Nordberg 's fully accredited surgical facility in Fayetteville, NC.

Fayetteville Office

1841 Quiet Cove
Fayetteville, NC 28304

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