Nordberg Plastic Surgery

A Thigh Lift Can Help You Achieve Toned, More Youthful Legs

Sagging skin and excess fat in your thighs can prove impossible to reduce through diet and exercise alone. To help you achieve younger-looking, toned thighs, Dr. Leif O. Nordberg  can perform a thigh lift  at his Fayetteville, NC , office. He can reshape the contours of your thighs, enhancing the overall look of your entire lower body. During a thorough consultation, Dr. Nordberg can determine your candidacy for a thigh lift, and choose the most appropriate surgical methods for your needs.

image of woman's legs with hand on thigh

Candidates for a Thigh Lift

If your skin has lost its elasticity, leaving your thighs looking saggy, you may be a good candidate for a  body contouring treatment such as a thigh lift. The procedure can be especially helpful if you have recently undergone massive weight loss. A thigh lift can also be combined with  liposuction . However, a thigh lift is not designed to help you lose weight. To qualify for treatment, you should be at a stable weight, and be committed to a balanced diet and regular exercise. 

As with any surgical procedure, it is important that you are in good health overall. Patients are required to give up smoking, excessive drinking, and other habits that can interfere with healing.

The Lift Procedure

A thigh lift can be performed under local anesthesia with intravenous (IV) sedation to ensure your comfort. Dr. Nordberg will use one of several techniques to perform your surgery, and you can typically hide resulting scars underneath underwear and swimwear.

Surgical approaches can include:

  • Inner thigh lift: Dr. Nordberg will create incisions between your upper thigh and pubic area to address the inner thigh area. 
  • Medial thigh lift:  A medial thigh lift is similar to an inner thigh lift, but the incisions will reach farther back towards your buttocks. This technique is able to achieve more significant results than an inner thigh lift.
  • Bilateral thigh lift: With a bilateral thigh lift, Dr. Nordberg will address the fronts and sides of your thighs. He will create an incision along the bottom of your underwear line. Through this larger incision, he can remove more excess skin than he can with other surgical methods.

After a thigh light, your smoother, toned legs can give you a boost in confidence and help you wear clothes you would not wear before.

Thigh Lift Recovery and Results

After a thigh lift, you will need to take approximately two weeks off from work. During this time, you should get plenty of rest, although short walks around the house are necessary to keep circulation moving, and help with healing. It is also important to wear your compression bandages or garments for about a month after your procedure. Dr. Nordberg will guide you as you return to your regular exercise regimen, but you will typically need to avoid strenuous activities for about six to eight weeks.

It is normal to experience some swelling and bruising after a thigh lift, but your improved shape will begin to show as swelling dissipates. Full results may not be visible for up a year after the procedure. However, your smoother, toned legs can give you a boost in confidence and help you wear clothes you would not wear before.

Schedule a Cosmetic Consultation

Dr. Nordberg strives to provide safe care with natural-looking results. We invite you to learn more about thigh lifts and find out if you are candidate for treatment. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. 

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1841 Quiet Cove
Fayetteville, NC 28304

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